About Me.

About Me

Shoot~ I don’t even know what to write about myself /slapped.
Know me as Karin.
My Korean name is 신채린 (Shin Chae Rin)
You can call me Shin
02.02 is my birthday. (I will not show you my age lol)
O Blood Type
Just an ordinary girl, nothing else.
♥ Reading  Design Graphic  Watching K-Drama  Roleplaying  Blue Black White 
 KPOPers  ♪  with my ultimate biases/?
 { I'm a #SMstan #YGstan }
{ Shinyeong; Geum Hee; Chihoon; Taejun; Hyungseok; Jaehyun } 
Annyeonghaseyo~ ;)
Karin imnida! You can call me, Shin or Chae because my Korean name is Shin Chae RinNOT CL 2NE1′s lol. I born on 2 February (Nice date ;) 02.02 kkk). Just an ordinary girl that lives in this big, no, really big worldAnd I’m thousand miles away from my hubbies /Slapped/ Yeah, that’s right! I’m a fangirl, fangirling over EXO to be exact. I born in the capital city of Central JavaIndonesia (Geography! Lol you can find it in your map) and currently on my way to finish my study abroad in Singapore.
Ehmargerhd, I’m a typo maniac. Maybe you’ll see many typos somewhere in here pmsl.
I love cute things ;Blue Black White is my color! Writing, reading, browsing, that’s part of my world. About writing, I only love writing fanfiction (find it in google if you don’t know what is fanfiction. pmsl.) Roleplaying! That is one of my hobbies, well, I spent more than half a day roleplaying Because I have my boyfriend in there named Jinki.
You can say that I have a korea addiction, yup, I love anything about Korea <3 Beside KPOP, I have an ulzzang addiction/? Ulzzang means best face, or you can say beautiful girl or flower boy in Korea. I love Kim Shin Yeong the most! She’s 86 Liners but still look very young! Lol, I’m playing her parody in twitter FYI.
I hate anything fake. Roleplays World is an exception lol, I just hate… copycats, liars, backstabbers, and etc.
Because I’m blabbering too much here, let just finished it lmao.
PS: I’m a Runners! Love Running Man so much ;) /mong/

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